speak my beautiful Italian language. For starters, many of the popular selling Italian language programs have you falsely believe that you can learn to speak Italian without having a solid grammatical foundation. Let me tell you, that's just not possible! To become fluent in Italian you have to think in Italian. And, you can not begin to think in Italian unless you have a good Italian grammar foundation. It's really that simple and straight forward!
The second problem that I see is that many of these Italian courses place a lot of emphasis on memorization of words and phrases. They use some very rigid methods to drill into your head the meanings and definitions of what they consider to be practical and useful Italian words and phrases. Very little emphasis is given to using real scenarios and natural conversations in their lessons. So, often times your quest to learn to speak Italian becomes more difficult than it should be. By this point, many people convince themselves that they just can't learn to speak Italian. Oh, how wrong they are, how wrong they are...
I have also noticed that many of these Italian courses don't place enough emphasis on proper pronunciation. I actually consider this almost a sin! You see, I truly believe that God gave the Italian language the most beautiful sound of all languages. So why don't these other Italian courses focus more on teaching you how to properly pronounce the beautiful sounds, pitches, and tones of the Italian language?
"Our method teaches you Italian the same way you learned to speak your native tongue..."
That's a very popular phrase that I have heard on the radio, TV and even read in print and online (maybe you've heard it too). And, honestly, on the surface it sounds really good. I mean think of it, you really didn't have to study or attend a single class to learn to speak in your native tongue. It was all really natural. So, if you find a course that can teach you to speak Italian the same way that your parents and/or caregivers taught you to speak then of course you have to get it. I mean, it only makes sense. But, let's peel back the "Our method teaches you Italian the same way you learned to speak your native tongue" phrase and see what it really smells like...
We'll start off by asking the obvious, "can an adult learn to speak Italian the same way a baby learns to speak his or her native tongue?" The answer to that question is ABSOLUTELY NOT!!
We won't even get into the brain development phenomenon that takes place during the early years of life, which of course is like no other period in our entire adult life. Instead, let's talk about the environmental setting in which a child learns to speak.
"I have just completed lezione 8 and am excited dirti how grateful I am che hai fatto "il più migliore program for learning that I have experienced."
{translation: "I have just completed lesson 8 and am excited to tell you how grateful I am that you have made 'the best program for learning that I have experienced.'"}
I have the complete Rosetta Stone™ (finished 2 levels and half way through the third. I have completed the full Pimsleur™ program (three levels), and the beginners Berliz™ program. But your method è il più migliore perchè è the most natural (conversational).
{translation: "I have the complete..... But your method is the best because it is the most natural (conversational"}
"Mi piace molto il modo in which you introduce phrases like 'dimmi,' 'digli,' 'chiedergli,' 'ascolta e ripeti,' e al."
{translation: "I really like the way in which introduce phrases like 'tell me,' 'tell him/her,' 'ask him/her,' 'listen and repeat.'
Per la prima volta, I feel as if I have a personal tutor right davanti a me.
{translation: "For the first time I feel that I have a personal tutor right in front of me"
Rosetta Stone claims that their program is "like having a personal tutor" però your method is much better. I look forward to learning from you and feel that I have finally found a program that does what it promises.
With this program, I feel confident that I will learn "to speak" the language, not just learn the language
Have you ever stopped to think about how fully immerse children are in their native tongue during the years in which they are learning to speak? You have the mother, father, grandparents, uncles, aunts, in-laws, and friends constantly interacting with the child in his or her native tongue. Many of these interactions are specific to getting the child to say a word, phrase, or sentence. This structure creates a true and full 100% language learning immersed environment for the child. So, combined with the wonderful brain development taking place, the child learns to speak.
Now, ask yourself, what course can duplicate the same brain developmental stage and environment setting where you will be 100% of the time fully immersed in learning to speak Italian? Of course the answer is none!
So, now you see why you can not learn to speak Italian the same way you learned to speak your native language? You need a course that recognizes and acknowledges this fact and presents the lessons to you in a format geared to where you are in life, an adult!
Perhaps the last problem that I see out there for people trying to learn to speak Italian is that most courses don't provide you with enough details of the specific topics covered in each of their lessons.
To me, this is equivalent to taking a top level view of what you will learn in each Italian lesson and something that will help you set your expectations before you even buy the course. It will also obviously help you make a better informed decision as to whether or not a particular course is right for you. The end result will be saving of your valuable time and money in your journey to learn my beautiful Italian language.
The second problem that I see is that many of these Italian courses place a lot of emphasis on memorization of words and phrases. They use some very rigid methods to drill into your head the meanings and definitions of what they consider to be practical and useful Italian words and phrases. Very little emphasis is given to using real scenarios and natural conversations in their lessons. So, often times your quest to learn to speak Italian becomes more difficult than it should be. By this point, many people convince themselves that they just can't learn to speak Italian. Oh, how wrong they are, how wrong they are...
I have also noticed that many of these Italian courses don't place enough emphasis on proper pronunciation. I actually consider this almost a sin! You see, I truly believe that God gave the Italian language the most beautiful sound of all languages. So why don't these other Italian courses focus more on teaching you how to properly pronounce the beautiful sounds, pitches, and tones of the Italian language?
"Our method teaches you Italian the same way you learned to speak your native tongue..."
That's a very popular phrase that I have heard on the radio, TV and even read in print and online (maybe you've heard it too). And, honestly, on the surface it sounds really good. I mean think of it, you really didn't have to study or attend a single class to learn to speak in your native tongue. It was all really natural. So, if you find a course that can teach you to speak Italian the same way that your parents and/or caregivers taught you to speak then of course you have to get it. I mean, it only makes sense. But, let's peel back the "Our method teaches you Italian the same way you learned to speak your native tongue" phrase and see what it really smells like...
We'll start off by asking the obvious, "can an adult learn to speak Italian the same way a baby learns to speak his or her native tongue?" The answer to that question is ABSOLUTELY NOT!!
We won't even get into the brain development phenomenon that takes place during the early years of life, which of course is like no other period in our entire adult life. Instead, let's talk about the environmental setting in which a child learns to speak.
"I have just completed lezione 8 and am excited dirti how grateful I am che hai fatto "il più migliore program for learning that I have experienced."
{translation: "I have just completed lesson 8 and am excited to tell you how grateful I am that you have made 'the best program for learning that I have experienced.'"}
I have the complete Rosetta Stone™ (finished 2 levels and half way through the third. I have completed the full Pimsleur™ program (three levels), and the beginners Berliz™ program. But your method è il più migliore perchè è the most natural (conversational).
{translation: "I have the complete..... But your method is the best because it is the most natural (conversational"}
"Mi piace molto il modo in which you introduce phrases like 'dimmi,' 'digli,' 'chiedergli,' 'ascolta e ripeti,' e al."
{translation: "I really like the way in which introduce phrases like 'tell me,' 'tell him/her,' 'ask him/her,' 'listen and repeat.'
Per la prima volta, I feel as if I have a personal tutor right davanti a me.
{translation: "For the first time I feel that I have a personal tutor right in front of me"
Rosetta Stone claims that their program is "like having a personal tutor" però your method is much better. I look forward to learning from you and feel that I have finally found a program that does what it promises.
With this program, I feel confident that I will learn "to speak" the language, not just learn the language
Have you ever stopped to think about how fully immerse children are in their native tongue during the years in which they are learning to speak? You have the mother, father, grandparents, uncles, aunts, in-laws, and friends constantly interacting with the child in his or her native tongue. Many of these interactions are specific to getting the child to say a word, phrase, or sentence. This structure creates a true and full 100% language learning immersed environment for the child. So, combined with the wonderful brain development taking place, the child learns to speak.
Now, ask yourself, what course can duplicate the same brain developmental stage and environment setting where you will be 100% of the time fully immersed in learning to speak Italian? Of course the answer is none!
So, now you see why you can not learn to speak Italian the same way you learned to speak your native language? You need a course that recognizes and acknowledges this fact and presents the lessons to you in a format geared to where you are in life, an adult!
Perhaps the last problem that I see out there for people trying to learn to speak Italian is that most courses don't provide you with enough details of the specific topics covered in each of their lessons.
To me, this is equivalent to taking a top level view of what you will learn in each Italian lesson and something that will help you set your expectations before you even buy the course. It will also obviously help you make a better informed decision as to whether or not a particular course is right for you. The end result will be saving of your valuable time and money in your journey to learn my beautiful Italian language.
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